
We believe every Kentuckian can be free from tobacco-related disease.
We believe in protecting all Kentuckians from secondhand smoke and radon.
We believe lung cancer screening can save lives.
We believe in a Kentucky without lung cancer.

For more information on the Lung Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Network, contact KCC Co-InvestigatorĀ Dr. Jennifer Redmond Knight at jennifer.knight@uky.edu.

The Kentucky Cancer Consortium Lung Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Network provides a forum for coordination and collaboration to impact lung cancer in Kentucky. This Network is focusing on reducing environmental risk (radon and secondhand smoke), reducing smoking and increasing the percentage of Kentuckians at high risk for lung cancer who are detected at an early stage. The first initiative of this network was to develop clear, unified messages on these areas of lung cancer prevention and early detection to educate the public, community leaders, healthcare professionals, healthcare system leaders and policymakers regarding lung cancer prevention and early detection. We are currently focused on supporting implementation of new tobacco treatment legislation as well as working together on other tobacco policy, system and environmental changes.