HPV Initiatives

Kentucky’s human papilloma virus (HPV) and cancer prevention stakeholders were early champions of efforts to increase HPV education, awareness and vaccination. Convening under various umbrella entities since 2006, partners have completed a statewide environmental scan, produced a sizeable media campaign, developed a state-level HPV initiatives plan, and taken particular care to target Appalachian youth. In Fall of 2017, the American Cancer Society and the Kentucky Cancer Consortium partnered to host an HPV Workgroup meeting in Louisville. Over 40 participants — made up of partners both “old and new” — were charged with refocusing collective HPV efforts by revisiting the state plan goals and assessing the impact of activities to date. Attendees agreed to work on improving coordination and collaboration between existing partners, aid in identification of new connections in disparate communities, and further align goals and objectives to improve HPV vaccination uptake and completion among adolescents and young adults in Kentucky.



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