Program Staff

Stephen W. Wyatt, DMD, MPH
Principal Investigator

Katie Bathje, MA, LPCC
Program Director
Leadership areas: Consortium management (fiscal, staff, membership, initiatives, communications), Kentucky Cancer Program/regional cancer control liaison, CDC & KDPH liaison, cancer control news & resources, patient navigation, survivorship, worksite wellness, national and state colon cancer screening initiatives, website

Jennifer Redmond Knight, DrPH
Leadership areas: Strategic planning, resource plan, Kentucky Cancer Foundation liaison, Cancer Action Plan revision, health systems, Affordable Care Act cancer control communication, lung cancer prevention and control, manuscript development, coordinated chronic disease prevention and health promotion, facilitation and training, evaluation, data and epidemiology

Kristian Wagner, MS, RD, LD
Health Policy Director
Leadership areas: Policy, systems and environmental (PSE) change: smoke-free, shared use, obesity, nutrition and physical activity, radon; PSE trainings, local/regional PSE liaison

Joel Wheeler
Information Technology